Welcome to the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC’s (“the Association”) Trust Hub. Trust and transparency are the foundation of the mutually beneficial relationships we strive to build and cultivate with our members, customers and collaborators. In order to cultivate these relationships, we endeavour to keep our policies on important issues clear and transparent to ensure a common understanding.
The Association recognises that one of its fundamental responsibilities is to ensure that the Association protects the Personal Information entrusted to it by its Data Subjects (customers). This is critical for the maintenance of the Association’s reputation and for complying with its legal and regulatory obligations to protect the Association’s Data Subjects’ information. The Association also follows a transparent policy regarding the management of the Personal Information of its Data Subjects.
The Association’s Relationship with You
Download the Association’s PAIA Manual (updated 3 October 2023):[1]
Privacy and Data Protection
The Association focusses on privacy and data protection and, as such, takes its obligations under data protection laws (such as the GDPR[2] and POPIA[3]) seriously. The Association continually strives to meet its regulatory obligations and processes Personal Information and data lawfully in accordance with applicable principles and conditions. The Association manages and processes Personal Information and data as a controller (Responsible Party) when providing services to its customers (Data Subjects). The Association’s Privacy Policy sets out how it manages and processes your Personal Information.
The Association also commissions certain service providers (“Data Processors“) which assist with processing certain Personal Information and data on behalf of the Association’s Data Subjects. For this reason, the Association does not conclude Data Processing Agreements (“DPA”) with its customers.
Download the Association’s Privacy Policy (updated 7 January 2024):[4]
The Association’s Data Processors
- Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply;
- Sage’s POPIA Policies apply.
The Information Regulator
The Information Regulator (South Africa) is an independent body established in terms of section 39 of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. It is subject only to the law and the constitution and it is accountable to the national assembly.
The Association’s Information Officers in respect of POPIA
The GDPR does not require the Association to appoint a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”).
Information Officer
Ms Rochelle Appleton:
Email: rochelle@arbitrators.co.za
Tel.: +27 11 884 9164
Deputy Information Officer
Miss Michelle Venter:
Email: michelle@arbitrators.co.za
Tel.: +27 11 884 9164
The Association’s logo is a registered trademark of the Association. This website and all of the information it contains, are provided as is, without warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied. All implied warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement are hereby expressly disclaimed. No reproduction or republication of the Association’s logo, website and all of the information it contains, can be made without the prior written permission of the Association. Information and content within the Association’s website are subject to change without notice.
Access the Information Regulator’s PAIA forms here.
General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 here.
Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 here.
Access the Information Regulator’s POPIA forms here.