The Association’s flagship online Arbitration Courses, which were inaugurated in 1985 and have been successful far beyond our expectations, are open for the 2025 application/registration!
How to Become an Arbitrator in South Africa
Although arbitration is recognised and fairly well-established as a means of resolving disputes, particularly in the construction industry, the subject of arbitration has received scant attention, if any, in the academic training of those who, in their chosen careers or professions, may well have occasion to become involved in arbitration at one time or another – either as one of the parties seeking arbitration as a means of resolving a dispute in which he/she is involved or as arbitrator. Even South African Universities, which deal with other aspects of the law with commendable thoroughness, appear for the most part to gloss over the subject of arbitration in a very perfunctory manner. Not many advocates or attorneys appear to have more than a nodding acquaintance with the subject.
The Association is acutely aware of the need to provide adequate training for Arbitrators and others who may become involved in arbitration. Many individuals aspiring to be arbitrators, and who may be appointed as such, have only the sketchiest idea of the laws and rules that apply to the situation that they must deal with, of the rules of natural justice and of the procedures and techniques that need to be employed if an arbitration hearing is not to become a fiasco. Many who become involved in arbitrations have little idea of what to expect and how to deal with the situation.
The Faculty
The Faculty comprises tutors who are highly trained, experienced and passionate for the law and arbitration, and include Professors, Senior Counsel, Advocates, and legal professionals.
Who Should Apply?
- Professionals with an interested in Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”);
- Parties seeking arbitration as a means of resolving a dispute in which they are involved or who may become involved in arbitration;
- Aspirant arbitrators;
- Arbitrators who want to improve their techniques and skills.
Flagship Courses
Certificate Course in Arbitration (“the Certificate Course”)
Specifically structured to provide Associate members of the Association with an introduction to the theory of law, the law of contract and the law and practice of arbitration. The Certificate Course is a prerequisite to undertaking the Fellowship Admission Course. The course is intended for members who wish to further their knowledge of arbitration as a positive alternative method for resolving disputes.
Fellowship Admission Course (“the Fellowship Course”)
Specifically for those members who wish to become Fellows of the Association. The course extends and expands on the knowledge and skills that the candidates acquired in the Certificate Course in Arbitration.
Accelerated Fellowship Course for Advocates and Attorneys (“the Accelerated Course”)
Designed specifically for members who are practising Advocates or Attorneys registered as such with the Legal Practice Council of South Africa, wanting to become Fellows of the Association. The course extends and expands the knowledge and skills that candidates have acquired because of applicable Alternative Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) experience gained during the practise of their professions.
Specialisation in Construction Law Course (“the Specialisation Course”)
This sought after course for members, now in its 24th year of presentation, focusses on the advanced law of contract peculiar to the engineering profession and the construction industry. Special emphasis is placed on the common law principles applicable thereto. Applicable case law is addressed and members are furnished with course notes on the relevant principles.
For more information about the Association’s Arbitration Courses:
Registration is open now and closes on 28 February 2025.
Contact Miss Mandisa Mthembu (Course and Member Manager) for assistance:
Email: coursecoordinator@arbitrators.co.za
Tel.: +27 11 884 9164/5